Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SUCCESS! - so far

Hello everyone,
Great news! John has been working for months now on editing "Noor" - we finally watched it together and it looks wonderful! The story is coming together niceley and we are about to hand it over to our sound mixer. We have been working on getting a musical score together and in a few weeks time we will be color correcting with our wonderful DP Dace Willmott! I truly cannot wait to share " Noor" with you all and only hope that you enjoy watching it as much as we are all enjoying making it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Razan here
And I would just like to say to whoever is still checking this amazing blog that I will be watching the first cut of "Noor" this coming Sunday in Brooklyn with my producer Allison LeSaffre and editor John Daigle. Get excited people - we are getting closer!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

small warning

Hey all,

Razan here - just wanted to throw the word out : apparently there have been some viruses put on blogger! SO if you are on the blog and something pops up saying to click it DO NOT DO SO. We have NO interactive portions in our blog. Also the editing of the film is coming along quite nicely I look forward to posting a teaser soon!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Noor Memory # 1

Razan here.

SO i thought it would be fun if instead of just posting pics I also told a cool shoot story regarding Noor for those of you who weren't there!

We arrived in Amman and location scouted for a few days before the first day of shooting. THE FIRST DAY CAME and we thought it would a good idea to get the longest shooting day out of the way so our call time was 4 am. At 2:30 in the morning Nadine ( most amazing producer of all time) gets a call saying that the cab we are using for the shoot was totaled and the props are MIA. We have no backup plan - so we get on the bus that our wonderful and amazing busdriver Ashraf took us to set in everyday and fill the boys in on the plan. Their jaws dropped to their knees and we powered through. IT WAS AN AMAZING DAY!! We were able to shift things around and shot the car scene with Zain and Rania our amazing flexible actresses. Here are some pics.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Completed Shooting and back in the city!!

Hello again!!

I know we have been missing for far long time but we have been hard at work making Noor happen! We finished completed shooting on January 16th just as planned and it was the most amazing experience that anyone could ask for. I want to thank every single person who has had anything to do with making the film a reality - I MEAN EVERYONE all the kind people who donated here in the city to all the wonderful people we met in Jordan.

Right now we are working on post for the film - basically going through all the footage and editing! This process i going to take some time but this is where the movie is made so I am very excited for the process to begin.

I am going to updated once again with some production pics and great stories from the shoot