Sunday, December 23, 2007


cool pins by the rearview... more cool stuff to come.

New Cast!

Jaydaan - whose name may be changed to Sami!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Razan in Amman !!!

Hello all!
I just wanted to let you all know that I am in Amman and getting ready for the shoot! All is going as planned and I am looking forward to the rest of the crew arriving in Amman very soon! T- 15 DAYS TO NOOR SHOOT! Keep your eye on the blog we will start putting pics up soon and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Just wanted to post and say we are one MONTH AWAY from everyone being in Amman and getting "Noor" ROLLING. We have almost secured the whole budget, been camera testing, shotlisting and storyboarding, translating, finding makeup, locations etc. for MONTHS now and so everyone is getting excited. Will post some storyboards son - and thank you again to everyone.