Thursday, October 25, 2007

Redrock Micro goes to the Middle East with "Noor"!

Razan here.. We are happy to announce that we will be working with Redrock Micro on "Noor"! We will be using their 35mm HD adapter to ensure that we give justice to the wonderful locations we will be shooting!

You can read more about Redrock Micro at

More updates soon!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thank you to the APC of Northern Virginia

This past weekend I made a short presentation about "Noor" to the American Palestinian Club based in Northern Virginia and I must say it was a phenomenal experience. I was truly amazed and touched at the zeal and enthusiasm "Noor" was met with. We were able to raise a significant amount of money through donations that were made at the Eid event which has brought us MUCH MUCH closer to our goal of 21,000 dollars and making this film a reality. I just wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks to every single member of the APC for their graciousness and support. I am more confidant than ever that "Noor" does in fact need to me made - and made well at that. Thank you!