Sunday, December 23, 2007


cool pins by the rearview... more cool stuff to come.

New Cast!

Jaydaan - whose name may be changed to Sami!


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Razan in Amman !!!

Hello all!
I just wanted to let you all know that I am in Amman and getting ready for the shoot! All is going as planned and I am looking forward to the rest of the crew arriving in Amman very soon! T- 15 DAYS TO NOOR SHOOT! Keep your eye on the blog we will start putting pics up soon and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Just wanted to post and say we are one MONTH AWAY from everyone being in Amman and getting "Noor" ROLLING. We have almost secured the whole budget, been camera testing, shotlisting and storyboarding, translating, finding makeup, locations etc. for MONTHS now and so everyone is getting excited. Will post some storyboards son - and thank you again to everyone.

Monday, November 19, 2007

"Noor" goes to NAAP


This past weekend Razan and I attented NAAP's 4th National Conference in New York City at the Embassy Suites Hotel. We set up a table at the conference, including a trivia game about Arab film, information about "Noor", location pictures, and the biggest attraction: CANDY! We were able to meet some great people who were enthusiastic about the film. We spoke to Afif Safieh, the Head of the PLO Mission to the United States of America! He was excited and interested in "Noor" and the message the film is aiming to send! We also got interviewed by a VJ from the televison channel DanDana! We had a great time this weekend at the NAAP conference, and appreciate everyone who showed their suppport for "Noor" at the conference!

January is sneaking up on us quickly, and although we have a lot more to do before we leave, we are excited and very close to being ready to fly over to Jordan! And after what we learned this weekend- we will be sure to bring Hershey Kisses along with us everywhere! It seems to attract an audience!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Redrock Micro goes to the Middle East with "Noor"!

Razan here.. We are happy to announce that we will be working with Redrock Micro on "Noor"! We will be using their 35mm HD adapter to ensure that we give justice to the wonderful locations we will be shooting!

You can read more about Redrock Micro at

More updates soon!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thank you to the APC of Northern Virginia

This past weekend I made a short presentation about "Noor" to the American Palestinian Club based in Northern Virginia and I must say it was a phenomenal experience. I was truly amazed and touched at the zeal and enthusiasm "Noor" was met with. We were able to raise a significant amount of money through donations that were made at the Eid event which has brought us MUCH MUCH closer to our goal of 21,000 dollars and making this film a reality. I just wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks to every single member of the APC for their graciousness and support. I am more confidant than ever that "Noor" does in fact need to me made - and made well at that. Thank you!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Noor is back in NYC !

Razan here. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back in New York and the script is being workshopped. I just wanted to add another location pic. This is one of the streets the taxi will drive down on the way to Nawals!

Friday, August 31, 2007


The most exciting part! Now you can put faces to the names connected with the story!

ZAIN QASRAWI will be playing Noor. Zain is a fan of film and drama, this will be Zain's film debut.

RANIA KURDI will be playing Lina. Rania is an accomplished actress, musican and TV host in the Pan Arab world. She has hosted the hit show "Superstar" recently starred in the Egyptian film "The Seventh Sense" and just released her CD " Oleh Leh" ( Tell me why).

LARA SAWALHA will be playing Nawal. Lara has recently completed her education at Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London. She has been in four films, "Noor" will be her fifth.

AHMAD KANAAN will be playing the Shepard. Ahmad excels in comedy, this will also be Ahmad's debut film.

MO'TASEM FAHMAWAI will be playing the Taxi Driver. Mo'tasem was recently in the feature film "Capatin Abu Raed".

Thursday, August 30, 2007

More Locations!

The above is going to be Nawal's house!

This is a side road that Noor and Lina will drive by on their cab ride : )

Sunday, August 26, 2007


It's Razan from Amman! We have almost fully cast and location locked the film! We have an amazing cast and crew and BEAUTIFUL LOCATIONS! We will be shooting in the Azizi Palestinian Refugee camp, the oldest townhouse in Amman, Mt. Nebo, as well as some goreous streets around Amman. From the top of Mt. Nebo you can see across the Dead Sea, at Palestine. These photos are from halfway up Mt. Nebo, Azizi camp, and a street in Amman, Enjoy! I will post more pictures and update about our truly talented cast soon!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Razan is in Amman

Hello All! Its Allison, one of the producers. Just giving a little update. Razan is in Amman working with Ghassan and Nadine on casting and location locking. It is going well so far. Over here in the US we are working on production details, and eagerly waiting Razan's return!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Razan to go cast and scout for locations!

It's Razan again - I am going to be going to Amman on the 18th in order to finalize a cast and locations for the film. Be sure to come check out the pictures of both the characters and locations!